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Pub Stuff, Issue #001 -- teaser here
March 11, 2010

We're constructing a web site crammed full of information for those who own or work in licensed premises. >> Visit our web site. Primarily it’s a site to advertise premises sales with no agency fees. However, if you’re not interested in buying or selling a pub or booking a training course you may enjoy adding your expertise and advice in the virtual bar.

We would also appreciate a quick note as to what you think of the web site. Would you add anything else or change anything? All responses will go into our book voucher prize draw.

We aim to mail out a quarterly "E-zine" to start with. This online magazine is free and will contain tips and ideas to build businesses; menu ideas; legal advice competitions and loads more. We also want to use it as a way (for us as a group) to lobby relevant members of parliament to hear our voice regarding issues affecting our industry.

Your Email address will only be used by us, we don’t sell them on to third parties and all correspondence is “clean” (no viruses) before they are sent out.

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